Category Archives: Runners

Run – Don’t Walk! Sign up for the 2016 United Airlines NYC Half on March 20th!

Interested in running the United Airlines NYC Half on March 20th, 2016, but didn’t get accepted through the lottery?  Don’t worry – we have bibs!  Guarantee your spot in the 2016 United Airlines NYC Half today by signing up to run with us today.

In order to commit to one of the ten charity spots that we have been offered for this year’s event, please visit our NYC Half Marathon page and follow the instructions provided.

We’ll need you to sign a commitment waiver and send it back to Kate Dochelli at  By signing this waiver, you are agreeing to raise the $1,000 fundraising minimum set forth by the NYRR for all official charity runners participating in the race.  Once we receive your signed waiver, we’ll add you to our list and you’ll be notified with instructions to register for the race. You will be responsible for covering your own registration fee. Please be advised that spots will be filled out on a first-come, first-served basis, so please do get your signed waiver back to us as soon as possible.

One last important piece of information: this year, we are pleased to announce that we are offering all of the NYC Half runners representing LuMind RDS the opportunity to take advantage of the NYRR’s Virtual Trainer program (at no cost to you).  The program is a fully customizable day-to-day training program that is specifically designed around each runners ability.  Virtual Trainer also will update and modify to each runners current performance within the 10 week period so that they will be training for their best possible performance.  Runners will also have access to a forum where they can post questions for NYRR’s coaches to answer. For more information about the NYRR Virtual Trainer program, visit the NYRR Virtual Trainer site and sign up for the “regular” training program.

If you are interested in using the Virtual Trainer program, please let Kate know no later than December 14th!

Run – don’t walk – and sign up with us today!  What a great way to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and raise money for vital Down syndrome cognition research.

We also invite you to pass this information along to anyone you know who may be interested in a spot for the race and wants to Race for the eXtraordinary!  

LuMind RDS Runners Leyda and Chad Simon Profiled


Chad (wearing 31442) and Leyda (40770) are front and center for this photo from the Chicago Marathon on October 11, 2016. They are posing with their fellow LuMind RDS Runners at the pasta dinner the night before the race.

Chad Simon is a student at Fort Hays State University – and a long-time runner for the LuMind RDS Runners program. Chad runs along along with his wife Leyda in support of their daughter Ashylnn who has Ds.

Chad and Leyda were profiled in an article in the Fort Hays State University news outlining their commitment to the Runners program.

We are so proud to have Chad and Leyda on our team! Enjoy the article. 
